URL: https://turljk.xyz/d36cca

what and why

I want to make a site that rick rolls you but after a few seconds it sends you to the intended link. All other rick roll url generators I looked at just rick roll you.

possible domain names:
TURL-JK: Troll URL Just Kidding
RRJK: rick roll just kidding



I want to use mongoDB
fullstack monolithic. nextjs or sveltekit. I'll use Next and take the opportunity to learn the new App router.

I can deploy the nextjs project on vercel

where Am I going to deploy the database?

Vercel has extension/integration with MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas has free tier of max 500MB size db. I think I can maintain the DB for this site under 500MB easily.

Supabase is SQL alternative to firebase. supabase also has storage up to 500MB.

Firebase firestore has free up to 10GB. if mongoDB atlas doesn't work out I can try with firestore

mongoDB vercel integration tutorials:



data structure

single table
id(short uuid) | url(string) | videoUrl | seconds(int) | lastVisit

sharing / advertising


I want to share a fun little side project I recently finished.

It is a site that gives you a URL to bait and switch (definition: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bait-and-switch-media) anyone you want.

The site: https://turljk.xyz/d36cca

I almost gave up on the project when I found out that it is impossible to autoplay unmuted content on chrome-based browsers, but after some time I was able to work around the issue by (without spoiling too much) making the user to interact with the page and play the video.

My favorite features are:

other sites and discord