OAuth2 auth protocol

is a security standard that alows an app to access resources and actions of a 3rd party platform like Google or Facebook.

is a framework where a user of a service can allow a third-party application to access his/her data hosted in the service without revealing his/her credentials (ID & password) to the application.

enter image description here

this protocol is not for authentication and not really for authorization. It is for delegated authority. It grants authority to an application.

Authentication deals information about "who one is". Authorization deals information about "who grants what permissions to whom". Authorization flow contains authentication as its first step. It is the reason people are often confused.

There are many libraries and services that use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. It is often called "social login" and It makes people more confused. If you see "OAuth authentication" (not "OAuth authorization"), it is a solution using OAuth for authentication.

access token authorizes an application to access resources or make actions on behalf of the user. For example: a microsoft access token gives the app permission to the users OneDrive or Microsoft Graph(API).

most of the time in OAuth flow, the user has to give consent to share the specific resources your app requests. It never (or shouldn't) gain full control of all resources, only the ones needed.

user doesn't share Google credentials with your app.
your app doesn't gain control of the user or see the user's password on the 3rd party provider.


the usual flow to grant authorization with OAuth is the following:
resource owner wants to grant client access to resources of a 3rd party service.

  1. authenticate: client redirect user's browser to authorization server. redirected to a login page of the provider.
    with the req is included client id, redirect uri, response type and scope.
  2. server verifies who user is and if necessary prompts for a login.
  3. after verified, server presents user with consent form to permissions.
  4. user gets redirected to callback url alongside a temp authorization code.
  5. client sends back authorization code along client id and client secret. it does not use the user's browser.
  6. server responds with access token.

access token is a value the client doesn't understand, it could interpret it as a random string. It uses this token to send reqs to the resource server.



