python testing

appearently in python to run test files they must be named test*.py

Testing Options

printing values
unittest module
assert keyword

The easiest way to test on an interview is using assert.
on Leetcode for example:
s = Solution()
my_data = [1,2,3,4]
assert(s.functionName(my_data) == *some_value)

Assert Keyword

x = "hello"
#if condition returns True, then nothing happens:
assert x == "hello"
#if condition returns False, AssertionError is raised:
if condition is true, execution continues (nothing happens)

assert x == "goodbye"          #, "x should be 'hello'"        #adds assertion message when exception is raised

unittest built in python module

1    Import unittest from the standard library
2    Create a class called TestSum that inherits from the TestCase class

3    Convert the test functions into methods by adding self as the first argument

4    Change the assertions to use the self.assertEqual() method on the TestCase class

5    Change the command-line entry point to call unittest.main()

the name of test methods should start with test_

to run:

if name == 'main':

or in the command line:
python -m unittest <test_module1>.py

assertion methods are:

assertEqual(a, b) # assert that a == b
assertTrue(result) # assert that bool(result) is True)
assertFalse(result) # assert that bool(result) is False)

assertRaises(exception, function, *args, **kwargs)  # function should raise exception