Tiling Window Manager Shortcuts GlazeWM
this is the glazeWM config file, window manager on Windows. but the idea is that the keybinds will be the same if I ever move to linux.
# Shift focus in a given direction.
- command: "focus left"
bindings: ["Alt+H", "Alt+Left"]
- command: "focus right"
bindings: ["Alt+L", "Alt+Right"]
- command: "focus up"
bindings: ["Alt+K", "Alt+Up"]
- command: "focus down"
bindings: ["Alt+J", "Alt+Down"]
# Move focused window in a given direction.
- command: "move left"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+H", "Alt+Shift+Left"]
- command: "move right"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+L", "Alt+Shift+Right"]
- command: "move up"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+K", "Alt+Shift+Up"]
- command: "move down"
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+J", "Alt+Shift+Down"]
# Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
- command: "resize width -4%"
binding: "Alt+OemMinus"
- command: "resize width +4%"
binding: "Alt+Oemplus"
- command: "resize height +4%"
binding: "Alt+Shift+Oemplus"
- command: "resize height -4%"
binding: "Alt+Shift+OemMinus"
# As an alternative to the resize keybindings above, resize mode enables resizing via
# HJKL or arrow keys. The binding mode is defined above with the name "resize".
# - command: "binding mode resize"
# binding: "Alt+R"
# Change tiling direction. This determines where new tiling windows will be inserted.
- command: "tiling direction toggle"
binding: "Alt+V"
# Change focus between floating / tiling windows.
- command: "focus mode toggle"
binding: "Alt+F"
# Change the focused window to be floating / tiling.
- command: "toggle floating"
binding: "Alt+Shift+F"
# Change the focused window to be maximized / unmaximized.
- command: "toggle maximized"
binding: "Alt+X"
# Minimize focused window.
- command: "set minimized"
binding: "Alt+M"
# Close focused window.
- command: "close"
binding: "Alt+Shift+Q"
# Kill GlazeWM process safely.
- command: "exit wm"
binding: "Alt+Shift+E"
# Re-evaluate configuration file.
- command: "reload config"
binding: "Alt+Shift+R"
# Launch CMD terminal (alternatively `exec wt` or `exec %ProgramFiles%/Git/git-bash.exe`
# to start Windows Terminal and Git Bash respectively.
- command: "exec cmd"
binding: "Alt+Enter"
# Focus the workspace that last had focus.
- command: "focus workspace recent"
binding: "Alt+W"
# Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace next"
binding: "Alt+Oem4"
- command: "focus workspace prev"
binding: "Alt+Oem6"
Oem 4 and 6 are [ and ]
# Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- command: "focus workspace 1"
binding: "Alt+1"
- command: "focus workspace 2"
binding: "Alt+2"
- command: "focus workspace 3"
binding: "Alt+3"
- command: "focus workspace 4"
binding: "Alt+4"
- command: "focus workspace 5"
binding: "Alt+5"
- command: "focus workspace 6"
binding: "Alt+6"
- command: "focus workspace 7"
binding: "Alt+7"
- command: "focus workspace 8"
binding: "Alt+8"
- command: "focus workspace 9"
binding: "Alt+9"
# Move focused workspace to a monitor in a given direction.
- command: "move workspace left"
binding: "Alt+Shift+A"
- command: "move workspace right"
binding: "Alt+Shift+F"
- command: "move workspace up"
binding: "Alt+Shift+D"
- command: "move workspace down"
binding: "Alt+Shift+S"
# Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
- commands: ["move to workspace 1", "focus workspace 1"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+1"
- commands: ["move to workspace 2", "focus workspace 2"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+2"
- commands: ["move to workspace 3", "focus workspace 3"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+3"
- commands: ["move to workspace 4", "focus workspace 4"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+4"
- commands: ["move to workspace 5", "focus workspace 5"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+5"
- commands: ["move to workspace 6", "focus workspace 6"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+6"
- commands: ["move to workspace 7", "focus workspace 7"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+7"
- commands: ["move to workspace 8", "focus workspace 8"]
binding: "Alt+Shift+8"
- commands: ["move to workspace 9", "focus workspace 9"]
bindings: ["Alt+Shift+9"]